Wood Nymph
- WOOD NYMPH - An acrylic paint on a 16 x 20 size canvas board. It was a private commission.
I remember this painting as being the first of the private commission paintings that I started doing in the later 1970s. The fact that someone had phoned me to ask if I would do a painting for them really boosted my morale. After a few more such solicitations I decided to start the "spare time" paintings so that I would have something on hand when an art collector called.
I never accepted a private commission if the solicitor had a specific scene in mind, especially if it included faces of real people. I was asked, once, to paint a picture of the solicitor, his wife and two children dancing with fairies in a fantasy landscape, which I declined to do.
Usually, in a phone conversation with a solicitor I would ask questions that would give me a general idea of what kind of picture they had in mind; a Lord of thr Rings type, A Conan type, a 2001 Space Odyssey type, a John Carter of Mars type, etc. Most of the time they left the specific scene to me as long as it featured a beautiful woman.
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